The age old question?

Whats the best diet for weight loss? Keto, slimming world, weight watchers, juice plus, zero carb… the list goes on and on.

The simple truth is is this… the diet that works for you the bests suits your life style and has food choices you enjoy

A diet that will have the best result and greatest impact is typically one you that ticks all the boxes above.

Weight loss in its simplest terms is a matter of expending more energy than you take in. Eat less calories than you burn or eat the same calories but burn more through activity.

SO THE BEST DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS should contain food choices you enjoy. It  should reflect your current lifestyle choices so you can sustain and adhere to a “diet” long term. Extreme weight loss plans have extreme result but are unsustainable. Don’t follow the new fads follow a plan that doesn’t cause too much disruption to your day but achieves that important factor of calorie reduction or increased activity to achieve a realistic fat loss through diet.