Who doesn’t love a tricky micky dees lol!

No matter what time of day McDonalds always has customers.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner it doesn’t matter McDonald’s will provide those hunger pangs and you can’t resist.

Let’s look at this scenario. You have decided to give yourselfa real health kick. You have started a new fitness regime and started a new healthy eating plan. Your daily calorie targets are in the range of 1600. Each day your meeting those targets (probably under eating as many do the first few weeks of a new diet) you’re feeling great hitting your workouts 4 times a week and seeingthose numbers drop on the scales.

You’re buzzing. Then day 10-14 you start craving one of those wondrous big macs. That glorious sauce. That double burger. Everyday you’re driving by the Mcd and see the massive posters calling you in. You crack, drive straight to the drive-in and order the big mac with large chips and coke. You wolf it down and after 15 mins of bliss, the anxiety and guilt hits you like a punch from Tyson. Your day is ruined, your diet is ruined and you’re that full from the food that the workout is shelved.  You feel that you have let yourself down, that night you have a chocolate bar and crisps and so it continues until all that hard work is lost.

What if I explained there is a way to eat that BigMac, still hit your targets and not feel anxious about eating fast food.

let me explain.

On average a large BigMac meal with chips and coke is a whopping 1222 calories!

Now if you’re on a daily target of 1600 you can see how this can push you over the edge, only leaves you with around 380 calories rest of the day.

What if you had a diet coke and you know what, lets forget the fries and just go with the BigMac, thats on average 510 calories!!! Guys you’ve just banked a difference of 712 calories!

You see my thoughts here. You can accommodate a BigMac into a daily meal plan with just a few tweaks. You can satisfy those cravings and keep your self on track.

A diet or meal plan that is too restrictive, fails. Eliminating food’s you enjoy fails. A few simple tweaks and healthy eating can be enjoyable and disruptive to your lifestyle.

For more info or advice get in touch and I can help you with those burger cravings.
