Michael Wiseman

Michael Wiseman


Pyjamas, messy hair and bad breath. At home workouts are the best solution.

Let’s face it life gets in the way. Throughout the day there is countless distractions or complications that will derail you or get you off track.

You’re committed to train 4 days a week and you have decided to get these workouts in before breakfast first thing in the morning PERFECT Start the day the perfect way.

The alarm goes at 5.45am you roll out of bed. Struggle to find then put on your workout clothes. Quick brush of the teeth and glance in the mirror and decide you cant scare the world with how you’re looking. Next thing  your having to doing your hair to look at least presentable.More and more valuable time of your day

Next you have to jump in the car drive to gym or class and then  a your workout  your  delighted you’ve done your session and the day has just beginning. But it’s already took a large part of your morning. Gradually your enthusiasm wanes and the workouts gets less and less and you start to ignore that alarm clock in the morning and the training is stopped.

Thats why at home workouts are the best solution. You can train with your pyjamas on, your hair can look like it was combed with a toffee apple and your breath smells like its just eaten a rotten apple, lol. Guess what nobody cares because you’re in the comfort off your own home and surroundings.Your training at your own pace.Your training on your own time nobody else’s. You’re training without anybody’s judgement of your bed head hairdo lol, your training in your own comfortable surroundings and training around your schedule becomes enjoyable and manageable.

This is why at home workouts are a perfect solution to meet your fitness goals.

Embrace the Pyjamas, messy hair and bad breath, your at home workouts will thank you for it.


Who doesn’t love a tricky micky dees lol!

No matter what time of day McDonalds always has customers.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner it doesn’t matter McDonald’s will provide those hunger pangs and you can’t resist.

Let’s look at this scenario. You have decided to give yourselfa real health kick. You have started a new fitness regime and started a new healthy eating plan. Your daily calorie targets are in the range of 1600. Each day your meeting those targets (probably under eating as many do the first few weeks of a new diet) you’re feeling great hitting your workouts 4 times a week and seeingthose numbers drop on the scales.

You’re buzzing. Then day 10-14 you start craving one of those wondrous big macs. That glorious sauce. That double burger. Everyday you’re driving by the Mcd and see the massive posters calling you in. You crack, drive straight to the drive-in and order the big mac with large chips and coke. You wolf it down and after 15 mins of bliss, the anxiety and guilt hits you like a punch from Tyson. Your day is ruined, your diet is ruined and you’re that full from the food that the workout is shelved.  You feel that you have let yourself down, that night you have a chocolate bar and crisps and so it continues until all that hard work is lost.

What if I explained there is a way to eat that BigMac, still hit your targets and not feel anxious about eating fast food.

let me explain.

On average a large BigMac meal with chips and coke is a whopping 1222 calories!

Now if you’re on a daily target of 1600 you can see how this can push you over the edge, only leaves you with around 380 calories rest of the day.

What if you had a diet coke and you know what, lets forget the fries and just go with the BigMac, thats on average 510 calories!!! Guys you’ve just banked a difference of 712 calories!

You see my thoughts here. You can accommodate a BigMac into a daily meal plan with just a few tweaks. You can satisfy those cravings and keep your self on track.

A diet or meal plan that is too restrictive, fails. Eliminating food’s you enjoy fails. A few simple tweaks and healthy eating can be enjoyable and disruptive to your lifestyle.

For more info or advice get in touch and I can help you with those burger cravings.


Lets Get Started

Came across this photo today.
7 years ago fought down in Manchester
I was extremely lean and weighed inn at 64 kg. 4 weeks before this fight I was 73kg😳
This is extreme weight loss but fairly standard in the fight game.
How is the achievable? It’s easy really. It’s basic maths, knowledge and proper training and nutrition.
Let me explain
Now, the example above is off the extreme nature but for the normal person who has, let’s say an ambition of looking better for the beach in 2 months, this is the methods I would teach and help you with.
Take my statistics 44years old 74kg 5ft8 inch. I need to consume 1672 calories a day to achieve my BMR ( basic metabolic rate). This is basically the calories you need to function if I was to lay on the couch and watch Netflix all day.
I then work out the calories I burn during the day for activity. I’m very active most days so I work out so in theory,I require 2884 calories just to maintain my current weight.
If I was to go into a calorie deficit (eat less than this amount ) by just 200 calories I would in theory lose weight.
While still eating a healthy amount of nutrient dense food and calories.
I could still be healthy, full and feel satisfied with my nutrition.
Most people who are uneducated in nutrition, fitness and healthy wellbeing start weight loss programs that put them on calorie restricted diet below there BMR ( food to just merely live) it’s madness. this is why they fail. It’s unsustainable
Sure initially the weight falls off. But then the body and mind crave nutrients. And naturally you over consume calories and are back to the start and most times put weight back on.
I hope the physical training programs designed in this course are helping you achieve your goals but you can not out train a bad diet. Educated nutrition choices and a healthy eating plan will let you conquer your targets. They go hand in hand. Follow these workouts and follow my nutrition advice and you will achieve the best version of yourself, ever.
I have designed these workouts for the entire family, with minimal space, time and equipment required.
Nutritional advice and healthy eating programs can be requested by all members by emailing or contacting this site.
Exciting times ahead.
Thanks for reading.
Michael Wiseman


The age old question?

Whats the best diet for weight loss? Keto, slimming world, weight watchers, juice plus, zero carb… the list goes on and on.

The simple truth is is this… the diet that works for you the bests suits your life style and has food choices you enjoy

A diet that will have the best result and greatest impact is typically one you that ticks all the boxes above.

Weight loss in its simplest terms is a matter of expending more energy than you take in. Eat less calories than you burn or eat the same calories but burn more through activity.

SO THE BEST DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS should contain food choices you enjoy. It  should reflect your current lifestyle choices so you can sustain and adhere to a “diet” long term. Extreme weight loss plans have extreme result but are unsustainable. Don’t follow the new fads follow a plan that doesn’t cause too much disruption to your day but achieves that important factor of calorie reduction or increased activity to achieve a realistic fat loss through diet.



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Who doesn’t love a tricky micky dees lol! No matter what time of day McDonalds always has customers. Breakfast, lunch, dinner it doesn’t matter McDonald’s […]

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